When it comes to deciding whether you want to be a software engineer or not, and what aspects you might pursue; one of the most important pieces of information to educate yourself on is what the advancement possibilities and the overall employment outlook is for the position of software engineering and the computer industry in general.

So, what is the outlook for the role and function of a software engineer? Well, to begin it should go as no surprise that anything in the computer industry-with any function as regards computers and applications-is here to stay for a long, long time-for an unforeseeable future, even. Everything that we used to do physically and less conveniently-as regards selling, buying, and communicating is now done online-and so any role supporting these daily functions will be in favor, with perhaps increasingly more demand as time wears on. It is by far one the smartest choices for career path for its need in the present and future of this world.

This said, people looking to become software engineers need to ensure they go about it the right way-if they want to be able to advance themselves, gain better titles and responsibilities, and get better paychecks. So, first off, a degree-the more advanced the better-at minimum a Bachelors in Computer Science, will make for an acceptable jumping off point. The more equipped an applicant is with more education that is specialized and update to cutting edge technology standards, the better potential for advancement they will have. So, while a software engineer who is starting out may have a BS in Computer Science may get the job for entry level software engineer; having a Masters or ancillary training classes in a focused discipline, might offer them a way to advance quicker and with more options from the company and industry of their choice.

On a more general measuring stick of the career possibilities for software engineers, it is very common that a dedicated professional gets promoted within 3-5 years in an entry level software engineer position to a senior software engineer position of some kind. What title they are promoted to depends on what industry and company they have chosen to work for-as there are a number of industries that seek these skills to offer services to their clients, as well as companies looking to use the engineering services themselves for in-house computer help. There are a number of avenues that a software engineer can be promoted to in a senior level position. Two of the most common job titles are software architect and project management. The former is just a very advanced designer of software applications and programs; while the latter refers to a general position for specific large scale projects that a company may need specialized help on.

With all of this in mind, it is necessary to consider what a BS in Computer Sciences gives an applicant when they are looking for their value in the career world. On a very general level they will receive training and education in networks, database management, programming, web development and applications. These skills offer a significant value to a variety of industries. In a more specialized discipline, these applicants will be taught how to design, analyze, design, develop, and implement computer software and systems. Both on a general and specific level, these skills and education bring career value to a number of industries and company needs-and so, it really depends on what the individual interests of the candidate are-as to what their advancement possibilities are. This said, there are a host of jobs that software engineers can choose to follow on their career path. A sample of the most definitive entry level titles for the field of software engineering are listed below:

  • Software Engineer
  • Software Developer
  • Software Tester
  • System Engineer
  • Validation Test Engineer
  • Junior Software Designer
  • Junior Software Engineer
  • Test Engineer
  • Computer Systems Software Engineer
  • Computer Applications Software Engineer