The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that biomedical engineers need only a Bachelor’s degree in order to begin working in this field. Even so, many elect to obtain graduate degrees in order to gain advanced technical knowledge.

Ideal High School Courses

Those interested in becoming biomedical engineers should take advanced placement science courses including chemistry, biology and physics. Challenging math courses such as calculus can help aspiring biomedical engineers develop the skills they need to make precise calculations. Other classes that could prepare one for this line of work include mechanical drawing, drafting and computer programming.

Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering

A four-year degree in biomedical engineering is required before one can obtain a graduate degree. This degree requires eight to nine semesters of coursework, which means it could take between three and five years to complete. Some classes that could be required include an introduction to bioengineering, instrumentation systems, medical imaging and microprocessor interfacing. It can cost between $16,100 and $19,700 for tuition, room and board, with books running an additional $900 to $3,600 annually.

Graduate Degree – Masters in Biomedical Engineering

Earning a Master’s degree in biomedical engineering can take between 18 and 24 months after obtaining a Bachelor’s degree. Some of the classes that students might be required to take include imaging and biometrics, biomaterials, neuroengineering and biomechanics. It can cost between $16,299 and $40,400 each year for tuition; books can be an additional $600 to $2,400, and lab fees may run between $200 and $300. Students must usually bear the cost of housing and medical insurance in addition to these charges.

Doctorate in Biomedical Engineering

The highest biomedical engineer education one can obtain is a PhD in this discipline. It could take two to three years to finish one of these degree programs. Some classes that students may be required to take include integrated biological systems, medical information systems and artificial organs and prosthesis. Students who are pursuing this degree can expect to spend around $42,400 per year for tuition, $2,000 for books and fees, and $12,000 for room and board. There can also be a dissertation fee of around $5,000 assessed by many schools.


Many students elect to obtain biomedical engineer training by completing an internship. This is normally done while working on a graduate degree or shortly after graduation takes place. These programs should be accredited by the American Board for Engineering and Technology, and can take place inside a hospital or medical research laboratory. Students are typically not paid for completing an internship program and must provide their own transportation, uniforms, and meals. It takes around three to six months to complete most internship programs.
There are no licensing requirements for biomedical engineers to meet before they begin working. These professionals are also not required to complete continuing education requirements in order to remain employed in this industry. Even so, these workers never stop learning, as new technology and medical discoveries are constantly being developed.