Great Sample Resume

Detail-Oriented Data Encoder Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Martha Neill,

I am applying for the data encoder position that is currently available at your company, St. Mary Medical Center.

I have a high school diploma and have taken courses and testing to become a medical coder and have had many years of experience. I have worked in data entry for my entire career and am an expert at the ten key touch. I have always excelled at English and have great spelling, punctuation and grammar skills and can always maintain confidentiality. I am highly detail oriented and always double check my work to ensure that no mistakes were made.

I am able to work on my own without any supervision and always meet any deadlines that are set before me. I have great verbal communication skills and take direction without asking questions or questioning those who in supervisory positions. I am also highly professional and always take my work seriously and give one hundred percent to any company for whom I work.

I am able to code and abstract any records, documents and all data efficiently and quickly. I can verify and review all of my work once I have coded all the data. I can also reformat all previous coding to bring it into the new technologies and have worked with electronically transmitted files, scanner and other systems. I am also highly computer literate and am familiar with all database platforms.

I would appreciate a call to set up a time for an interview and can be reached at any time at (555)-555-5555.


Your Signature

Leann Halpin

Enclosure: Resume

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