Skilled Information Security Officer Cover Letter Example
Here is the Skilled Information Security Officer Cover Letter Example:
Dear Ms. Oppenheim,
I would like to put my expertise to work for Robert Half Technology as your new Information Security Officer.
I have the skills, experience and the desire to help your company continue to grow and prosper by keeping your computer systems and data safe. I currently work as an IT department manager and I have recently acquired a bachelor’s degree in information science and security. I studied courses in database management, programming languages, calculus and technical writing.
I am familiar with hacking techniques and I have the ability to identify vulnerable areas and to recognize potential threats so security measures can be taken to protect these areas. I possess knowledge of all security systems including anti-viruses and firewalls. I have extensive knowledge of security and privacy issues and standards and I have the skills to evaluate the security program now in place to look for ways to make it better.
I have strong analytical skills with the ability to determine how serious a threat is and to determine the best way to handle it. I also possess outstanding problem solving skills and the ability to find a solution to any problem that does occur, so the same problem will not happen a second time. I can also create and implement a risk assessment program to help identify the areas that are the most venerable, so you can take the proper action to protect these areas.
I have excellent verbal and written skills, which are needed in order to work together with other professionals to monitor and secure the company’s database, applications, websites, etc. I also have the training and education to update your security procedures and policies to ensure they are providing the best protection possible.
My contact number is (555)-555-5555.
Richard Grass
Encl: Resume
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