Great Sample Resume

Compassionate Mental Health Counselor Cover Letter Example

Dear Mr. Thompson,

I recently heard about your open position seeking a Mental Health Counselor for your practice. I am very excited about this position, and have included my resume for your review.

I see from your job requirements that you are seeking a candidate who has a Master’s Degree in Psychology, at least four years working as a licensed Mental Health Counselor, and experience working in urban areas with youth. I have all of this to offer your position, as well as work at a suburban area community health center. I am compassionate, communicate well with youth, and offer the rehabilitative sympathy and tough one on one assistance that our youth need to stay above the margins of crime and drug abuse. I am committed to helping patients find success through comprehensive community programs, medication, and ongoing counseling sessions. I have facilitated both group and individual counseling. I am a great communicator and mentor, and would love to bring all of my passion for the field and my experience in it to your practice.

I would love to schedule a time to visit your practice, and see in person the success you are giving today’s youth. Please call me at (555)-555-5555 and [email] as soon as possible. Thanks so much for your time and convenience.


Your Signature

Jerold Cox

Enclosure: Resume

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