Analyze all loan transaction and ensure adherence to all policies and procedures and evaluate all commercial loan operations and document all processes.
Assist to reconcile all wire accounts and maintain accuracy of all information and ensure timely resolutions for all issues.
Coordinate with commercial loan customers and manage all communication with customers.
Perform audit according to loan guidelines and prepare all reports for all returned mail.
Analyze all bank risk and ensure compliance to all bank policies and procedures and collaborate with financial analyst to maintain accuracy in all investor approved loans.
Collaborate with underwriting staff and analyze all delivery requirements and maintain all documents as per all loan policies and perform audit on loan approval sheet for various documents.
Evaluate all documents and assist in closing of all process and manage all loan portfolios and ensure accuracy of information.
Design all specifications for all database systems and provide update and prepare required reports and evaluate all loan applications and perform credit review on regular basis.
Manage all underwriting queries from all processors and loan officers and perform final checks prior approval.
Prepare all reports and systems and manage all pipeline clients and coordinate with underwriting leaders to facilitate loan decisions.
Ensure compliance to all local and federal fair laws and prepare and submit all mortgage applications and evaluate all findings for all applications.