Consult geological maps and aerial photographs to advice on site selection.
Perform desk studies and assess site information sources prior to field investigations.
Assist with design of built structures, using specialized computer software and calculations.
Assess findings for construction engineers.
Collect data and produce engineering geological reports.
Oversee progress of specific contracts related to engineering geology.
Conduct engineering calculations.
Assist in preparation of construction plans, specifications and cost estimates including material quantity calculations.
Provide construction oversight, documentation, interpretation of drawings and specifications and other support services.
Gather, analyze and publish field and laboratory data in geotechnical report.
Conduct field investigations as geologic mapping, geotechnical drilling and sampling.
Conduct engineering analyzes including slope stability.
Report geotechnical recommendations integral to successful design, construction and maintenance of roads, airports and other engineered structures.
Perform logging and sampling drill holes and trenches, geological and structural mapping, and installation and observation of down-hole instrumentation.
Collect, analyze and interpret geotechnical data.