Organize and manage customer and employee training classes.
Prepare presentation for sessions at lectures, training programs and fairs.
Assist customers with all local, regional and national trade events for customers.
Prepare complementary support training information and provide quick tips, workbook.
Administer application and provide technical expertise in development and execution of all IT systems.
Coordinate with departments and prepare technical reports, training materials and documentations for end users.
Develop software products and select appropriate software applications for system according to business requirements and ensure achievement of results.
Assist customer and provide operational and end user support.
Organize regular research studies for new technologies and fit them into organization.
Assist Chief of Section and prepare project progress.
Coordinate with senior level analyst and assist end-users and stakeholders to resolve and lay out required information infrastructure.
Collaborate with developers and vendors to secure infrastructure being developed for end-user needs and ensure achievement of all business objectives.
Assist with system check and quality assurance.
Work with aid end users and provide support to infrastructure facilities and ensure smooth adoption.
Provide post-implementation support and on-going support measures.