Great Sample Resume

Nuclear Engineer Responsibilities and Duties

Perform scientific and engineering work to generate and utilize nuclear energy for nuclear fission process, nuclear system and related materials and ensure safe environment.

Observe all nuclear energy production process and make necessary recommendation regarding safety and sustainable nuclear energy production.

Assess technical and non-technical aspects of nuclear process to generate energy through relevant data analysis and interpret same.

Maintain knowledge on latest developments in nuclear fuel cycles and nuclear technology andevaluate and upgrade the existing system according to established procedures.

Analyze and identify and resolve difficult and complex technical issues pertaining to nuclear energy production.

Facilitate new levels of research and development (R&D) to optimize nuclear power generation, prepare and review R&D projects according to required initiatives.

Administer all diffusion physics calculations to effectively use combination of GA proprietary and commercial codes and gather information on relevant energy data.

Prepare technical documents in line with existing quality assurance procedures and compile results for submission to external and internal experts.

Evaluate fuel cycles of uranium, plutonium and thorium and perform comparative efficacy in nuclear reactors.

Perform nuclear fuel analysis to facilitate fuel fertility in light water reactors (LWRs), advanced reactors, and research reactors.

Manage data development and benchmark tests to utilize ORIGEN code and assist Department of Energy (DOE) missions.

Develop advanced reactor modeling and design, lattice physics methods, nuclear fuel cycle optimization and spent fuel and source terms characterization through research and analysis.

Coordinate with various manufactures, vendors and nuclear energy industry personnel to investigate and rectify system problems.

Monitor all functional initiatives to create and implement appropriate cost, resources and time for generating nuclear energy in sustainable environment.

Review and analyze of plant operation parameters, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and industry to establish energy production standards as per operation guidelines.

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