Administer everyday working of all marketing, claims and underwriting departments and prepare various marketing strategies for all property and engineering businesses.
Coordinate with advertising agencies and recommend improvements to company profile and develop and maintain relations with all brokers and agents for current processes and prepare documents for all claim procedures and losses.
Monitor work of all repairers and attorneys and ensure quality of all processes and evaluate all facilities and recommend improvements to same.
Monitor and recommend amends for all company operation manual and ensure compliance to all departments and government regulations.
Design all departmental targets and evaluate all staff performance at various meetings and develop and implement an efficient staff training programs as per requirement.
Administer everyday operations for organization and provide support to all operations projects and supervise working of all multifunctional project teams and manage all financial and administrative activities.
Monitor all projects and prepare schedule of all work within required timeframe and coordinate with resource managers and supervisors to evaluate all approvals.
Analyze all projects for future programs and recommend improvements to all business policies and procedures and prepare all budget reports and coordinate with corporate accounting service center for same.
Assist all customers to formulate all policies and plan all managerial activities for services and ensure smooth functioning of all organization.
Assist to prepare all strategies for sales and marketing clients and forecast all budget requirements.