Develop program goals, study methods and data systems on Health programs and health care system.
Research and contact investigators and health economic analyses users to guide effective use of data and analytic resources.
Suggest health outcome measures for treatment and prevent effectiveness studies.
Act as key focus on treatment, prevention effectives and evaluate international health programs, clinical, behavioral and environmental interventions.
Lead and direct research plans on data investigation to calculate HIV treatment, illness costs such as productivity costs and health outcomes.
Evaluate proposed or current policies and interpret studies’ findings such as economic impact of policies implementation for economy and health care system.
Conceive and direct research program on health economic topics.
Attend and engage in task forces and international interagency committees on illness costs.
Study illness and disease costs by working with federal government entities.
Develop and execute health economics issues and methods.
Perform public health industry’s complex economic analysis and modeling.
Analyze and prepare reports by directing junior staff.
Distribute academic literature, presentations and reports’ research findings.