Great Sample Resume

Fee Agreement Letter

A fee agreement letter is any contract in which two parties agree to a fee structure for services. The most common use of a fee agreement is between lawyers and their clients. Some states actually require this kind of agreement for lawyers. After agreeing to represent someone, the lawyer will provide a fee agreement detailing what services he or she will offer and how payment will work. This letter should be signed by both parties in the agreement.

Format and Content

The only requirements in this letter are the specific details of the agreement. The letter needs to have the basic costs, and the services they cover. The services are expanded on in the “Scope of Work”. Any responsibility of the client should be spelled out in this document. If the fees are on-going, the conditions for termination should also be listed. It is a good idea to include a disclaimer for expectations. Though the fee agreement letter format is very legal in nature, it should be kept as simple as possible while still covering all of these points.


This fee agreement letter sample is from a lawyer to a prospective client. After meeting and discussing a business case, the lawyer has sent the client an agreement regarding his fees for the work he will do. The client will review the scope of work and his responsibilities before signing and agreeing in to the terms. The lawyer will provide everything in established in the scope of work and also agree to the terms in the document.

Dear Mr. Gregerson,

After our meeting, I have agreed to represent you regarding the break-up of your business partnership. Please review the fees and scope of work.


Retainer: $5000 per month, which covers all phone conversations, in person meetings and arbitration appearances.

Additional hourly research: $200 per hour, not to exceed $1600 total per month

Scope of Work:

The firm of Matthews, Phillips and Wynn will represent you in all legal proceedings during the arbitration and possible court appearance regarding the termination of your partnership.

The goal of this arbitration is to keep as much of the company intact and operable as possible. The client’s goal is to leave his partner with adequate retirement while not straining the corporation. Arbitration is expected to take six months.

Client Responsibilities:

To produce all requested documents associated with the establishment of the partnership. Any request for documents from this firm should be replied to in 48 hours. The client must also be available at least once a month for an in-person review of the current case. The client must be present at all arbitration meetings.


If a termination notice is given, that month’s retainer and any current research hours will be billed. All work will stop on this case when a termination notice is received. All documents regarding this case, produced by this firm, will be turned over to the client.

If these terms are acceptable, please sign and return this document.

Tom Wynn, Esq.

Matthews, Phillips and Wynn


I have read and understood this agreement and voluntarily accept the terms. I also understand that this agreement does not guarantee a specific outcome in my legal case.


Jimmy Gregerson


Tom Wynn

Date ________________________________