Great Sample Resume

Voluntary Child Support Agreement Letter

Child support can be mandated by the state, but in divorces without court proceedings, a child support agreement can also be voluntarily made between both parents. Before documenting a voluntary child support agreement letter, the divorced couple or their legal representative should check with the state for any specific standards. A court usually needs to approve this kind of letter once it is signed by both parties.

Format and Content

Any letter written concerning child support, voluntary or otherwise, must conform to all guidelines given by the state. A voluntary child support agreement letter format must include all the details regarding the child support such as amounts and the starting date. Contact information for both parents should be visible on the letter. The state will also want information on the children covered by the letter submitted. Any other benefits included as part of child support must be added into this letter.


In our example, the father of the child drafted the letter but both parents agreed to its terms and will sign the agreement. This voluntary child support agreement letter sample covers only one child and has a very basic outline of how finances will work until the child is 18. After both parties have signed they will also be expected to provide personal identifying information for both parents and the child to the state, and that example is not included here.

May 30, 2013

Jay Cooper

947 Wildwood

Dallas, TX 84713

Alisha Dash

85285 Rocky Road Hill

Ft. Worth, TX 76394


I have included in this letter all the terms we discussed under legal supervision regarding child support. Please review it with your lawyer, sign it, and we will return it to the family court of Texas.

Father: Jay Cooper

Mother: Alisha Dash

Child: Sylvia Cooper, 5 years old

If approved by the state of Texas, this agreement will go into effect starting July, 1, 2013, and continue until the child’s 18th birthday unless otherwise stated.


Both parents have decided that the child will spend the majority of the year under the care of her mother, with every other week to be spent with her father. Summer vacations will be split evenly between parents.


Day-to-day cost will be incurred by the parent currently responsible for living arrangements.

Insurance: Will be covered by the father’s employment and any uninsured costs will be covered 80% by the father and 20% by the mother through undergraduate studies.

Income Tax Benefits: Will be split according to incurred costs.

Private School: Father will cover 60% and mother will cover 40% plus all school activities and occasional additional costs (such as uniforms).

College Fund: Father will contribute $1000 monthly to college fund already in place. Mother will contribute $500

Car: Father will make an initial down payment on a vehicle for $12,000 when child is 16. Mother will cover insurance costs.

Conflicts: Any conflicts in these payment arrangements will be settled first through personal discussion or through mediation outside of the court system.

The details in this agreement have been approved by both parents and are submitted to the court for final approval.

Jay Cooper

_____________________    __________________________________

Alisha Dash, Mother                Jay Cooper, Father


Legal Witness

