Great Sample Resume

Bank Resignation Letter

If you have found it necessary to leave your bank position for any reason, you should be sure to go through the proper process of resignation. The first course of action is to write a formal bank resignation letter and send it in to your employers to notify them of your intentions. This is the best way to ensure that your employers know you hold good will toward them and that you do not wish to burn any bridges in the business world. No matter what your reason for quitting, you should strive to do so in as professional and gracious a manner as possible.

Format and Content

There are a few basic strategies that any business letter ought to follow, with some extra ideas for a successful bank resignation letter format. Start off by letting your employers know the when and why details of the resignation. In the next paragraph, keep it brief as you mention any important work-related details as well as your contact details. Finally, use your last paragraph to express your appreciation for the good job and the experience you earned. Sign the letter in a businesslike manner as shown below in the example, and try to give at least two weeks’ notice before you send in the letter.


If you find yourself in this position for the first time, you may be a little unsure of how to proceed from here. This formal bank resignation letter sample should be helpful to you. The letter is from a teller who is relocating to another area and will no longer be able to attend work. She writes this professional letter to inform her employers of the situation and asks for a positive reference so she can have an easier time finding a new job after she moves.

Dear Ms. Gene,

I am just writing this letter to let you know that I am resigning from my position at ABC American Banking. I am relocating to Pennsylvania in a few months and therefore hope that you will accept this letter as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation. My last day of work at ABC American Banking will be October 15, 2014. I hope you understand.

I would like to apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to ABC American Banking by my resignation. I will of course work as usual during my last two weeks, and if my assistance is needed in selecting a replacement to take over my responsibilities I would like to discuss the matter further. I hope that I can be provided with a good employment reference in accordance with all of the hard work I have done at ABC American Banking. If you would like to discuss these matters with me further, please contact me at (555)-555-5555 or [email] I look forward to hearing from you.

I am grateful for the valuable experience I earned while working at the bank and know that it will serve me well in future endeavors. I do regret the resignation but wish ABC American Banking continued success. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Bridget Waters

Bridget M. Waters

ABC American Banking