Great Sample Resume

Resignation Letter Due to Unsatisfactory Work Circumstances

If the conditions in your workplace demand unreasonable performance from you, force you to do things that are detrimental to your well-being, or are otherwise unsatisfactory, it may be wise to hand in your resignation and seek opportunity elsewhere. If this is the case, you should write a formal resignation letter due to unsatisfactory work circumstances and send it in to your employers. Even if it does not change what has already happened, perhaps being made aware of the situation through your letter will cause the company to reevaluate some of its practices.

Format and Content

Although you may be upset about the situation, it is best to write your letter in a manner appropriate to a business professional. A formal resignation letter due to unsatisfactory work circumstances format should contain a factual but brief account of the circumstances causing you to resign. Make note of the exact date you will be resigning and also leave your contact information as some follow up is almost certain to become necessary. Depending on the situation, you may need to send out copies to more authorities than just your direct supervisor. At the very least, keep one for yourself and send one in to the human resources department.


A resignation letter due to unsatisfactory work circumstances sample can help you get this task wrapped up in no time despite the stress you are undoubtedly under. This manager’s assistant has been made to work too many extra hours, affecting his health and work abilities. He writes this formal letter to inform his employers of the situation in hopes that some action may be taken to protect future employees from the same circumstances.

Dear Ms. Jacob,

I am writing this letter to inform you of my resignation from my position as manager’s assistant at ABC Company. I regret to inform you that unfortunately I am resigning due to unsatisfactory work circumstances. My last day of work will be October 15, 2014, so please accept this letter as my official two weeks’ notice of resignation from work. I would like to apologize in advance for any inconveniences that my resignation may cause to you, the rest of the staff, or ABC Company.

During my time at ABC Company, I have been repeatedly subjected to demands of extra hours of work, sometimes unpaid, sometimes overnight. Being an assistant, I felt that if I refused my job could be in jeopardy, so I strove to oblige at all times. This has led to a decline in my overall health. It is my hope that this letter may bring attention to this issue so that future employees may not go through the same demands. If you would like to discuss this with me further, please contact me at (555)-555-5555 or [email]

I am appreciative of the great experience I have earned while working at ABC Company and will miss the rest of the team members. I wish you and ABC Company every success and hope that conditions there can be improved for all parties. I hope you understand and appreciate your efforts.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Richards

Andrew J. Richards


ABC Company