Great Sample Resume

Apology Letter to Principal

The principal of a school has to handle a lot of different aspects of the school, making it a very demanding job. However, many students, and even parents at times, continually show disrespect or do not show the appropriate gratitude to a principal. Therefore, when a student disrespects the principal or causes problems through misbehavior, an apology letter to principal can be greatly appreciated. It will be a great step in fixing any problems the student’s actions may have caused.

Format and Content

The principal is the face of authority at the school and as such, should be written to respectfully. Therefore, the apology letter to principal format should be formal and demonstrate a high level of respect to the principal. The content should include detailing the misdeeds performed, the actions of atonement taken, and a promise to never misbehave in a similar fashion. You can also include gratitude to the principal for all of his or her hard work, as well as an appreciation to your education and the school at large. Regardless of the overall content, the main focus should be on taking responsibility for your actions and ensuring they will never happen again.


In this apology letter to principal sample, a junior high student is writing after having talked back to his principal. While in a meeting in the principal’s office after disrupting his class, this student caused further problems by disrespecting the principal and talking back, instead of just gracefully accepting his punishment. He received further detention, and this letter was part of his actions of recompense.

Dear Mrs. McAllister,

I would like to apologize to you for talking back while in your office. There is no reason I should ever talk back to you, as you are an authority figure and an important member of staff at the school. I was already in trouble, and I should have taken my punishment gracefully. Instead, I allowed my temper and anger to show through by disrespecting you.

I am very sorry if my actions caused you any grief. You have to deal with so many students every day. I am grateful for your hard work. You truly make a difference to our school, and I appreciate all you do for both my own and my fellow student’s education. I promise I will never talk back to you again, and I will work hard to treat every member of the faculty with the respect and honor he or she deserves.

If there is anything in addition to my punishment I can do to help fix any problems I caused, please let me know. I hope that you will accept my apology for my behavior. It was juvenile of me, and I am working hard on learning to control my temper for the future. Please take this letter as a token of my desire to change.


Johnny Adams