Great Sample Resume

Congratulations on Your Retirement Letter

A retirement is a big event in a person’s life, especially if the retiree initiates the retirement. Express your appreciation for the person by sending congratulations on your retirement letter. A personal congratulatory letter is most appropriate for close working relationships, although a group letter, signed by all, may be sufficient as well.

Content and Format:

The content of the congratulations letter will depend on the relationship between the sender and the receiver. The basic congratulations on your retirement letter format begins with a statement of congratulations. The following paragraph should contain personal account of the how the retiree benefited the organization. End the letter by wishing the retiree well. Expressing a desire to stay in touch and a method to do is a nice, friendly gesture.


This sample congratulations on your retirement letter sample is from a group to the administrative assistant of the group. The salutation uses the retiree’s first name, which is appropriate in this situation. The group thanks the assistant for all of her hard work and wishes her well in the years to come. They mention specifics about the retiree’s plans, which is sure to make her feel valued as a person as well as a group member.

Dear Jolynn,

Congratulations on your retirement. We understand you will be leaving us on August 28, 2013. You will be greatly missed at JKL Services. You served the company admirably with your professionalism, superb attention to detail and your ability to keep us all organized and on schedule. There was never a time when we lacked anything we needed to do perform our duties, thanks to your amazing ability to multitask and tend to the needs of us all.

It will be very hard to adjust to your absence. We have all grown so accustomed to going to you for advice, coaching and sometimes, just a pleasant conversation. We hope the person who fills your chair has half your wisdom and a good measure of your positive attitude. You infectious laugh turned the monotonous into the enjoyable.

We hear you are moving to North Carolina following your retirement. We know you have wanted to move closer to your children and grandchildren for many years. We are thrilled you have the opportunity now to do so. Along with spoiling your grandchildren, we hope you take some time just for yourself. Relax and enjoy Jolynn, you deserve it.

There will be considerable distance between us but we hope you will still stay in touch. Keep us updated on your life by posting pictures on Facebook or by sending us a tweet now and then. Selfishly, we hate to see you go but we are also very happy for you. Again, congratulations of your retirement. We wish you all the best.


Jeff, Linda, George and Cathy

Jeff, Linda, George and Cathy