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NJ Unemployment Appeal Letter

When an individual files an NJ unemployment appeal letter with the State, it is possible that the claim may be denied via a letter fromthe New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. This means that the individual will not be receiving unemployment benefits from the State.The individual has the right to appeal the State’s decision; however there are some regulations and guidelines that must be followed in order for the appeal to be considered.

Format and Content

The individual must file the appeal either in person or by writing to a local unemployment office. In order to be considered, the appeal must be filed within ten days from the date the State’s decision was mailed to the individual. The Appeal Tribunal will review the document as long as it is received on time. Appeals that are filed late and without an acceptable reason are subject to dismissal by the Appeal Tribunal. An NJ unemployment appeal letter format must include the claimant’s Social Security number, reference the specific decision that is being appealed and explain why the individual is dissatisfied with the State’s decision. Unemployment appeals may also be faxed to (555)-555-5555.


This NJ unemployment appeal letter sample is from a long-time factory workerwho was laid off and told that his section of the factory was being shut down. His request for unemployment was denied due to the elimination of his job; however after receiving the denial he discovered that his former employer had reopened the closed section of the factory and staffed it with new employees at lower wages.

Dear Ms. O’Reily,

My name is George E. Carson and I am appealing the August 20, 2013 decision of the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development regarding my case #0000002. I was denied unemployment benefits; however, I believe I have evidence that my employer was deceitful in the way my job dismissal was handled to prevent myself and other employees who were laid off from receiving unemployment benefits.

I was informed on May 30, 2013 that my section of the XYZ Factory was being shut down and that my services and those of my co-workers in the same section would no longer be needed effective immediately. I filed for unemployment the next day as did the other employees from that section. We all received our unemployment benefits denial letter on August 24, 2013.

The next day, a friend of mine in the accounting department of XYZ Factory called me and informed me that my section had been reopened and staffed with a crew of younger, less experienced employees at nearly half the hourly wage. Her name is Michelle Ward and she is willing to testify in a hearing. I believe the management of XYZ Factory needed to cut costs and chose to behave dishonestly by lying about the need to shut down my section, waiting until unemployment benefits were denied to the laid off workers and hiring new workers at lower wages. It is my contention that my case should be reconsidered and I should be awarded unemployment benefits by the State of New Jersey.

Respectfully Submitted,

George Carson

George E. Carson