Great Sample Resume

Dedicated Air Marshal Cover Letter Example

Dear Ms. Eva Spiegel,

Upon viewing your open position of Air Marshal, I would like to express my interest in this position and provide you with a summary of my qualifications.

I started working towards this position during my first year in college and I have since earned a degree in criminal justice. While earning this degree, I began working for Fourteenth Air Force, Vandenberg Air Force Base, where I started out doing administrative work for the first three years. Over the last two years, I moved into a criminal investigations position, where I am still currently working today.

During my years of working for this company, I have earned an excellent reputation and my superiors will gladly provide you with a reference. In addition to my experience, I have extensive firearms and self-defense training.

I am extremely observant and have the ability to spring into action immediately when necessary. I have the ability to work independently or with a partner and to assess the situation to determine the best course of action that will resolve the issue, in the safest possible manner.

I meet all of the requirements to hold this position and I am in perfect health, both physically and mentally. My hearing and vision is also excellent and I thoroughly enjoy traveling all over the globe. I have included a detailed resume that includes all of my education, training and experience.

I am confident that my skills and training qualify me for this position and hope to hear from you soon. Please call (555)-555-5555 to arrange a meeting.


Ella Alsup

Ella Alsup

Resume Attached as MS Word Document

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