Thank You Retirement Letter
A thank you retirement letter is a good way for an employee to say thank you to an employer, a manager, coworkers or clients. The letter may be written before or after the retiree’s official last day. In short, it expresses gratitude to individuals the retiree worked with on a day-to-day basis.
Format and Content:
The content of the letter is dependent on the intended recipients. A formal tone should be used when it is addressed to superiors or clients while a less formal or friendly tone is appropriate for close coworkers. The thank you retirement letter format generally contains an opening statement about the retirement. The following paragraphs can be used to denote special events or people that made a difference in the retiree’s life.
This thank you retirement letter sample is written with a sense of humor, but the sentiment expressed is from the heart. In this letter, the retiree thanks his coworkers for making his working life a pleasant one and for throwing him a farewell party.
My last day with the organization has come and gone. I am now well into my fourth day of retirement, and I can tell you, sitting by the beach is all it is cracked up to be. Do not get me wrong, I do not plan to spend every day at the beach. Eventually, working on my tan will get boring. When that happens, I plan to go fishing.
Although my retirement is now official, I still struggle with mixed emotions. As I feared, I miss you all terribly. What I do not miss is the bumper-to-bumper traffic to and from work or being the only one on our floor that knows how to make coffee. What I do miss is the camaraderie I shared with you all, the thrill of beating deadlines and the victory of gaining new customer accounts.
Thank you all for the wonderful send-off party. It was nice to have the entire team in one place. It definitely made saying goodbye more convenient, but not easier. Maybe someday, say 5 or 10 years, I will wish I were back in the daily 9-to-5 grind. But for now, I am simply enjoying life. I really wish you all could be here to enjoy it with me.
Some of you I may never see again. Others, I hope I do. I will be keeping tabs on you all through Facebook (speaking of which, some of you really need to reconsider your profile picture). Seriously though, I want to thank each of you again for making my working life a pleasant one. I will not forget the friends I made at ACC Incorporated.
Morris Burger
Morris Burger